Part-time study | Allensbach University

Studying part-time at Allensbach University

Are you thinking about studying part-time? Allensbach University is one of the most respected educational institutes offering online degree courses. At our distance learning university you can study both the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) as well as the Master's and MBA degrees. Furthermore, we offer you the opportunity to continue your education in the form of a short course of study and obtain a certificate in areas such as Personnel management and business psychology, Business English or Digital Business Management to acquire. All our degree courses and continuing education courses are state-recognized. The study programs are funded within the framework of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) for a maximum of 12 months.

Study part-time and gain valuable practical knowledge

If you are at our university Study while workingyou can gain practical experience throughout your studies. This has a number of advantages: on the one hand, once you have passed your final exams, you will have a wealth of practical knowledge that will be useful to you throughout your career. In addition, you will have an asset that you can use to your advantage in job interviews: Very few job candidates who have just completed their Bachelor's degree can boast several years of practical work experience. Another plus is that you are already "hardened" by your daily contact with the world of work. When you start your new career, you know exactly what to expect in everyday working life. In a nutshell: studying part-time at Allensbach University is a decision that pays off in many ways.

Studying part-time means remaining flexible in terms of time

Part-time studies at Allensbach University can be individually designed - both in terms of the focus of your studies and the time frame. If you would like to obtain an academic degree (e.g. a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration) at our distance learning university, you can extend your studies by 50% of the standard period of study free of charge. If you have a busy work or family life, we recommend that you take advantage of the free extension. The coursework completed during your studies is rewarded with ECTS credits. In most cases, the actual duration of study for people studying at our university is Study while workingonly slightly longer than the standard period of study. If your personal or professional circumstances change, you can also extend your studies beyond the tuition-free period.

Benefit from the advantages of a distance learning university

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning in order to find a seat in a hopelessly overcrowded lecture hall - such inconveniences remain a reality for people who study at Allensbach University. Study while workingsaved. Our online courses take place in the evening when you are rested and receptive. Every specialist teaching at our university is very familiar with the special requirements of distance learning. Unlike face-to-face universities, our lecturers are available to you regardless of fixed office hours. If necessary, you can make use of our student support services at any time. Here are some other advantages of the "part-time study" model at a glance:

  • Studies can start at any time
  • Save time through self-study
  • No forced breaks due to semester breaks
  • Free choice of study specializations
  • Modern learning environment

Experiences with the part-time study program

Studying part-time means finding a challenging balance between work, study and private life. Students learn a high degree of self-management and time planning, which is of great value not only in an academic but also in a professional context. The challenge is to immediately put what they have learned into practice while learning new concepts and theories. This constant exchange between theory and practice not only enriches professional know-how, but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The purpose of a part-time degree program

Part-time study is particularly useful for those who want to improve their professional position, open up new career paths or specialize further in their current professional field. It enables students to deepen their academic education without having to interrupt their career. This allows them to continue earning an income while investing in their professional future.

Designations for part-time degree programs

This type of course is usually referred to as "part-time study". Other common terms are "part-time studies" or "distance learning", whereby the latter applies in particular to courses that are completed online or via distance learning.

Duration of the part-time study program

The duration of part-time studies at Allensbach University varies depending on individual scheduling and study intensity. While the standard period of study for a full-time course is fixed, part-time students can make use of the option to extend their studies free of charge by up to 50% of the standard period of study. This offers a high degree of flexibility to adapt studies to professional and private commitments. In practice, this means that a Bachelor's degree course that normally takes three years can be completed in around four to four and a half years while working.

Flexibility and adaptability in part-time studies

Allensbach University sees flexibility as the key to success for part-time students. For this reason, the degree programs are designed in such a way that they can be adapted to the different life situations of the students. This includes not only flexible study times, but also the option of attending courses online and taking examinations at flexible times. Students benefit from a modern online learning platform that allows them to access lectures and materials anytime and anywhere.

Work-life-study balance

One of the biggest concerns of students who decide to study part-time is the balance between work, study and private life. Allensbach University supports its students in finding this balance. Counselling services and workshops on time management and stress management are part of the program to help students successfully master the challenges of part-time studies.

Career development and networking

Another important aspect of the part-time degree program at Allensbach University is the support it provides for career development. The course not only offers an academic education, but also numerous opportunities to build professional networks. Through guest lectures, online events and group projects, students come into contact with industry experts, alumni and other students, which opens up long-term professional relationships and career opportunities.

Investing in the future

Studying part-time at Allensbach University is an investment in your own future. It offers the opportunity not only to gain academic qualifications, but also to develop practical skills and competencies that are in demand in the modern working world. Students leave the university not only with an academic degree, but also with the ability to solve complex problems, think critically and work effectively in a team - skills that are invaluable in any professional career.

Interlocking theory and practice

The part-time degree course at Allensbach University is characterized by a close integration of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The course content is designed in such a way that current business management theories and models are applied directly to real business situations. This enables students to put what they have learned directly into practice in everyday working life, so that the course is not only an academic but also a practical professional enrichment.

Lifelong learning and continuing education

Allensbach University promotes the idea of lifelong learning. The part-time degree program encourages students to constantly acquire new knowledge and to continuously develop their skills. This is particularly important in a rapidly changing world in which up-to-date knowledge and skills are crucial to remaining competitive on the job market.

Technological support

Allensbach University uses state-of-the-art technology to make learning as effective and accessible as possible. From interactive online courses to mobile learning apps, the university uses a variety of tools to ensure an engaging and flexible learning experience. These technologies allow students to access learning materials anytime, anywhere, which is invaluable for working students.

Completion and recognition

After successfully completing their studies, graduates of Allensbach University are awarded recognized and valued academic degrees. These degrees open doors to higher professional positions and offer the opportunity for further specialization or academic training. In addition, graduates enjoy a high reputation on the job market, which significantly improves their chances of a successful career.


Overall, the part-time degree program at Allensbach University offers a unique combination of flexibility, practical relevance and academic excellence. It enables students to achieve their academic and professional goals without sacrificing work performance or quality of life, and offers a unique opportunity to combine learning and professional development. The comprehensive and flexible part-time study program is tailored to the needs of modern students and optimally prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of modern professional life and supports them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

Studying part-time is an experience that most graduates rate positively. You too can benefit from the advantages of distance learning and acquire a professional qualification at Allensbach University that will pave your way to a successful future! You can find a complete overview of your study options on the Main page under the menu item "Study". If you would like advice, you are welcome to contact our educational advisory service.

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You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.
