PhD studies after graduating from Allensbach University

The international Ph.D. is becoming increasingly popular. In Germany too, the Doctor of Philosophy, as it is fully known, is becoming more and more popular. Due in particular to the growing number of collaborations with foreign universities, more and more educational institutions are deciding to offer a PhD studies and to award this title to graduates of doctoral degree programs. Below you will find the most important information on this topic as well as an overview of the admission requirements for PhD programs.

General information about the PhD program

The PhD studies is a scientific research doctorate and is the most frequently awarded doctoral degree in English-speaking countries, particularly in the United States, and the highest postgraduate degree. The title "Doctor of Philosophy" alludes to the historical interpretation that sees the origin of all science in the philosophy of ancient Greece. In Anglo-Saxon countries, the Ph.D. degree is generally associated with the authorization to teach independently and under one's own responsibility at a university. The title "Ph.D." is always used in conjunction with the corresponding subject, for example as "Ph.D. in Political Science". The doctorate in medicine is an exception: graduates with a doctorate bear the title "M.D." (Medical Doctor).

Management of the PhD degree in Europe

As with all foreign degrees, the prerequisite for using the doctoral degree "Ph.D." is that the respective university is authorized to award the degree under the law of the country of origin. If the PhD studies were completed in a country of the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), the title "Ph.D." can be used in Germany without further additions or an indication of origin. Since September 2001, the same applies to doctoral degrees obtained in Canada, Japan, Israel or Australia. Information on the relevant legal regulations and the procedure to be followed for the recognition or use of a foreign academic degree can be obtained from the Ministry of Science responsible for the respective federal state. Anyone who has completed a PhD program in the USA and obtained a doctoral degree there can use their title in Germany as "Dr." if the awarding institute has been approved by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is classified as a "Research University" (in the gradations "high research activity" or "very high research activity"). Conversely, however, no doctoral degree obtained in Germany may be used as a "PhD". Violations are punishable by fines.

PhD and doctorate: similarities and differences

Both the doctoral program and the PhD studies are degree programs that build on the Master's degree. Both titles are internationally recognized and hardly differ in their value. As with the PhD, it takes an average of three to four years to obtain the title. A PhD program usually also includes seminars and lectures and is therefore somewhat more "scholastic" than the classic doctorate at a chair. PhD students usually work on a project with several professors on an equal footing and rarely help out at the chair. The widespread assumption that a PhD program is easier to complete than a German doctoral program does not stand up to closer scrutiny. Which system is ultimately preferred depends largely on individual preferences and future plans. Those aiming for a career abroad are generally better advised to study for a PhD, as this title is better known internationally than a traditional German doctorate. The same applies if you plan to go into research after being awarded the title, as this activity is usually the main focus during a PhD program. The individual structure of PhD programs depends on the country. In practice, this means that a PhD program in Canada may be different from a PhD program in Australia or the United Kingdom.

PhD program: Admission requirements

Many European universities also offer part-time PhD studies. This usually takes three to six years. How long it actually takes to obtain the PhD title depends on the doctoral candidate's performance and progress. To apply for a PhD program, you must have a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree. Very good English language skills (usually IELTS 7.0) are also essential. The quality of the topic proposal submitted is decisive for acceptance as a doctoral candidate. Please note that Allensbach University only supports its own graduates in their search for a suitable PhD program. If you are already enrolled in a degree program at our distance learning university and are interested in a PhD studies we advise you to contact us while you are still studying for your Master's degree.

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