Audited:r PR Manager:in Allensbach University

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 167616c
All information at a glance

Certified PR Manager at Allensbach University

Facebook and Instagram, blogs and forums, TV, radio and the press: The media landscape is getting bigger and bigger in the wake of digitalization, and communication is getting faster and faster. This also increases the challenges for companies, non-profit organizations, associations and the public sector in the competition for reach and attention. The work of PR managers is characterized by choosing the right channel for the respective message, meeting the needs of the target groups and the willingness to change communication in disruptive times: The far-reaching challenges of political, economic and social coexistence and change require outstanding theoretically and scientifically based communication skills.

PR managers must therefore be able to keep pace with rapid developments and, above all, respond to changes in the traditional media landscape with good ideas. This is why our university certificate "Certified PR Manager at Allensbach University" deals with the key content of PR and communication management. Graduates learn the essential terms and perspectives in PR and communication management and its historical development, design strategies in corporate communication and for planning, implementing and evaluating PR measures and communication tasks and develop an understanding of the further development of PR and communication management from the analog to the digital world.

The university certificate is primarily aimed at professionals who want to qualify and recommend themselves for marketing and communication-oriented specialist and management tasks in companies and organizations.

You will complete the following three modules in your certificate program:

  • Introduction to PR and communication management (12 ECTS)
  • Journalistic writing and corporate publishing (12 ECTS)
  • PR and communication in the digital age (12 ECTS)

You complete each of these three modules with a submission task.

The most important facts about your university certificate:

You will receive 36 ECTS credits for the university certificate, which can be credited towards the B.A. in Business Administration at Allensbach University*.

  • Admission requirements: none
  • Duration of study: 8 months + 8 months free extension
  • Credit Points: 36 ECTS
  • Examination form: Submissions
  • Start of studies: at any time
  • Tuition fees: EUR 325 per month, EUR 2,600 in total

The university certificate is Online and without compulsory attendance completed.

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

* If you have a university entrance qualification.

What are the admission requirements?

There are no special admission requirements for this course. One assignment must be completed as an examination, which can be completed at home.

What credits are possible?

If you have already completed further training or have achieved comparable results at another university, it is possible to receive credit towards the university certificate. We will be happy to check for you individually which credits we can offer you. Talk to our student advisory service!

How is your course structured?

Your course comprises three modules, each of which concludes with an assignment:

Introduction to PR and Communication Management (12 ECTS)

You will gain a basic overview of the most important sub-areas of PR and communication management, which will enable you to support the relevant processes in practice and to design them yourself. You will be familiar with the theoretical foundations and requirements of PR and communications management, master the basics of media law and the conception of social media content in PR and communications management.

You will be able to analyze PR and communication management in the company in a targeted manner and understand it from different perspectives. You will also be able to classify good and bad PR in different contexts in practice and derive insights for your own tasks.

Journalistic Writing and Corporate Publishing (12 ECTS)

You will learn how to deal with the numerous journalistic text forms in different contexts and how to use them professionally. You will acquire the competence to differentiate, organize and formulate the statements of organizations of all kinds and to transport them to the target groups. You will be able to assess the medium of text as the basis of PR and communication from a scientific and practical point of view and apply it in practice in a way that is appropriate to the situation for good communication in the targeted implementation of messages. They are thus able to penetrate the journalistic landscape in German-speaking countries and understand the work of editorial offices and editorial staff as well as the role of recipients and their needs. They will also be able to classify central motifs from the competence field of ethics and language and integrate them into their daily work.

PR and communication in the digital age (12 ECTS)

You will learn about the central role of PR and communication in the digital age and develop an understanding of the further development of PR and communication management from the analog world to the digital world. You will be able to identify the expectations of target groups as a decisive field of communicative action and develop suitable instruments and messages in a targeted manner.

The entire university certificate comprises 36 ECTS.


How long will your studies take?

The standard period of study is eight months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further eight months free of charge.


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Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
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