Start a distance learning Master's in Finance now!

At Allensbach University of Applied Sciences you have the opportunity at any time to Master Finance Distance Learning to start. We offer you a certified course of study, which is led by recognized lecturers and concludes with a fully-fledged Master's degree. We would like to introduce you to this popular degree program in detail so that you can get a comprehensive picture before enrolling. You are also welcome to request a Student advisory service You can find the contact details on this page.

Why start a distance learning Master's in Finance?

The Master Finance is an internationally recognized degree with high prestige. The course is aimed at specialists from the banking and savings bank sector. Even if you work in the finance department of a large industrial company or in the tax and auditing department of a large consulting firm, a Master's in Finance distance learning course is a good option. You will acquire expert knowledge and qualify for Management tasks in your specialist area.

During the Master Finance distance learning program you have the opportunity to specialize. This sharpens your profile and gives you the opportunity to develop into a sought-after expert during your studies. The specializations are described in more detail at the bottom of this article. Of particular interest is the area of Family Office Managements - highly interesting job opportunities and an attractive income await you here.

Time- and location-independent learning

The Master's in Finance distance learning program is primarily chosen by professionals who Study part-time and need flexibility in terms of time. Every working person knows that there are phases with higher workloads - for example at Christmas time. In such phases, it is of great value to have a university as a partner that gives students all the freedom they need.

At Allensbach University of Applied Sciences you can extend at any time - namely by bis zu 50 Prozent. It doesn't matter whether you opt for a Master's in Finance distance learning, the Bachelor in Business Administration and Management or another degree program. You can extend each semester by up to 9 months. You do not have to give reasons for the extension.

Auch Students with children are welcome on the Master's degree course in Finance. If you have just given birth to a child or are so busy with childcare that attending a face-to-face university is not possible, a distance learning Master's in Finance is the ideal choice. If your child needs more attention than usual, for example due to illness, you can simply reduce your study workload.

Another advantage of distance learning is that you can ortsunabhängig study. Especially during the Corona-crisis, this study model has proven to be extremely practical. You can study anywhere and at any time. All you need is an internet connection and a computer to take advantage of the courses on offer. The seminars are held online and then posted online as recordings.

Master Finance distance learning program: The contents

Your Master Finance distance learning program is 24 months (four semesters) designed. At the beginning, the basic methods of scientific work and empirical social research are covered. Leadership, intercultural competence and project and process management are further aspects that are addressed in the first semester.

The following topics are on the agenda for the second semester:

  • Portfolio management
  • Risk management
  • Credit rating
  • Corporate governance and compliance
  • Corporate Finance

The area of Digital Finance comes up in the second semester. The new technologies of financial service providers are a field of activity that undoubtedly belongs to the future. Experts in this field have excellent employment and earning prospects.

In the third semester, the students decide on a Specialization. You will complete three modules before writing your Master's thesis in the fourth semester. This is the central highlight of your Master's in Finance distance learning course. You will complete an independent academic thesis and work on a problem that you have previously defined with your lecturer. You will receive extensive support from our academic staff when writing your Master's thesis. They are available to you on all digital channels.

Master's in Finance distance learning: overview of specializations

A special feature of the Master Finance distance learning course is that you specialize in an area in which you will work in the further course of your career. We currently offer the following specializations:

  • Wealth Management
  • Banking
  • Family Office Management
  • Accounting and Taxation

Wealth management is an area of work that is becoming increasingly important. The management of assets now employs whole armies of financial experts and analysts. Your tasks as a wealth management expert include the development of holistic advisory concepts and the Performance analysis of investment products.

The compulsory elective area "Banking" deals with sales and production management. It also focuses on supervisory law and overall bank management. There is no better option for specialists from banks and savings banks who want to take on management responsibility.

The area Family Office Management is one of our specialties. Allensbach University is the first distance learning university in Germany to set up its own chair for this highly exciting subject. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Werkmüller prepares you for activities in single or multi-family offices. The module also focuses on the legal management of family assets and asset allocation.

As the final specialization of the Master Finance distance learning program, we offer the "Accounting and Taxation" on. The regulations of the IFRSinternational accounting and the taxation of companies. International tax structuring and tax planning are also covered in this module.

Admission and costs

In order to start a distance learning Master's degree in Finance at Allensbach University, you must have a first professionally qualifying university degree or an equivalent degree (e.g. from a university or university of applied sciences) in a degree program with a focus on economics. As part of this degree program, you must have at least 180 ECTS credits acquired.

The decisive factor is that all core content of an undergraduate degree in economics (basics of business administration and economics, business mathematics and statistics, basics of private and commercial law) was covered in the first degree. In addition Englischkenntnisse at level B2 of the Common European Framework.

Start your studies now!

At Allensbach University, you can start a distance learning Master's degree in Finance at any time. We do not have fixed enrollment deadlines. Get started now! We will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation. You also have the option of requesting free information material via this page. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme!

Request information now free of charge!

You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.
