The Konstanz Distance Learning University has achieved the "Best Customer Satisfaction 2023" award for its business education programs. The award is based on a customer survey of a total of 171 education providers.
For more and more people, education and further training are once again becoming important intangible resources; lifelong learning is the keyword. The private Allensbach University of Applied Sciences (Constance) has been established in this market for many years. With a consistent digital distance learning concept and numerous business and economics courses, the state-recognized university primarily reaches working people from Germany and Austria who want to continue their academic education in a structured and practice-oriented manner or complete a part-time first degree.
Allensbach University has now received the "Best Customer Satisfaction 2023" award in the distance learning university segment of the "Germany Monitor - Education Providers". The "Deutschland-Monitor - Bildungsanbieter" study by TAGESSPIEGEL and ServiceValue GmbH is based on a representative online survey of 171 education providers. So-called panelists are invited to evaluate the objects of the survey. The overall satisfaction with the offers and services of education providers is evaluated. For each education provider, the unweighted average/score is calculated across all responses/ratings (response scale 1-5) and ranked according to category/sector. The "Best Customer Satisfaction" award is given on a category/sector-specific basis and only for the "best third". The award is given to education providers whose empirical mean value is lower than the best empirical mean value plus one third of the difference between the best and worst mean value.
"The fact that we are also among the best distance learning universities in Germany in this study is a great honor for us and shows us that our concept, which is consistently focused on quality, innovation and practical relevance, is exactly right and that we meet the needs of academic education and training. We are in 4th place among distance learning universities and have thus prevailed against other large, renowned institutions," says Timo Keppler, Chancellor of the university.
In this context, he presents Allensbach University's regular awards. In autumn 2022, Allensbach University was named "Top Provider for Continuing Education" by "Focus Business" for the third time (2020, 2022, 2023) and at the beginning of this year was named "Top Distance Learning University 2023" by and "Excellent Provider 2023" by the comparison portal "Fernstudium Direkt". The university came second in the "Fernhochschulen-DE" segment of "Fernstudium direkt".
The university is also listed in the continuing education portal of the state of Baden-Württemberg as a provider of innovative, business-oriented courses and has now received a new award as a quality feature for continuing education courses. The "digitalization badge" can be awarded to education providers that demonstrably offer technically supported teaching and learning scenarios (e.g. online courses) through digitalization.
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