Business taxation

Wahlpflichtfach, Bachelor of Arts, ZFU-Nr. 167616c
All information at a glance

B.A. Business Administration and Management - specialization in Business Taxation

Your business studies with a special focus

You will complete a comprehensive business administration course and acquire knowledge in business administration, corporate management, personnel management, marketing, accounting I and II, cost accounting & controlling, taxes, investment and financing. You will also study the content and methodological foundations of the related disciplines of law, economics, statistics and mathematics. Business English and knowledge of business informatics round off your profile.

In addition, your specialization will prepare you specifically for a job in a tax office or in the tax department of a company!

Why business taxation?

Tax experts have been in high demand on the job market for years. And German tax law is complex and subject to constant change, meaning that professionally qualified graduates should also have excellent career prospects in the future.

Complex tax issues

In the elective subject "Business Taxation", you will learn how to solve questions relating to corporate tax law and the tax law of private individuals and how to draw up meaningful proposals for decisions. This specialization provides you with the knowledge you need to enter the profession indirectly. Graduates also have a solid foundation for a further academic or professional career. The course content is based on the requirements of the chambers of tax consultants for the advanced training examination for tax specialists. Good to know: With a Bachelor's degree, you have easier access to the tax consultant examination.

You can start here!

The degree can be your ticket into tax consultancy, auditing or the finance departments of companies. Graduates are qualified for:

  • Preparation and auditing of annual financial statements in accordance with commercial law and tax law,
  • Preparation of business and private tax returns,
  • Analysis of operational key figures,
  • Development of solutions to business management issues with special consideration of tax aspects,
  • Development of tax-motivated structures,
  • Participation in corporate transactions,
  • Financial and tax due diligence.

Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Peter Spettenhuber

Combined offer Tax Specialist plus Bachelor (B.A.) with the Endriss Tax College

Together with the Steuerfachschule Dr. Endriss, we offer a combined course to become a tax specialist and Bachelor of Business Administration Online (B.A.). Steuer-Fachschule Dr. Endriss is Germany's largest specialist school for further education and training in tax, accounting and controlling and has been operating successfully for over 60 years. Large parts of the tax specialist course can be credited towards the Bachelor's degree, so that the course is not extended overall. You will receive a total of 76 ECTS credits from the Tax Specialist program. Both programs can either be completed in an integrated manner or one after the other.

You will remain enrolled at Allensbach University for the entire duration of the program; admission to the program is decided exclusively by Allensbach University. The prerequisite for participation in the combined program is a university entrance qualification and completed training as a tax clerk. Prospective students without a university entrance qualification may be able to apply for the Suitability test in accordance with § 58 Para. 2 of the Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act. Prospective students with other educational backgrounds should first contact the Student Advisory Service to clarify their admission options.

If you have already passed the examination to become a tax specialist or are a tax consultant, you can also shorten your Bachelor's degree accordingly by taking the credit and start immediately!

If you have any questions about studying, please contact the student advisory service at Allensbach University directly. If you have any questions about becoming a tax specialist, please contact Dr. Endriss Tax College:

Franca Berger

Phone: 0800 / 775 775 029

E-mail: berger(at)

Find out more now!

What are the admission requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification
  • Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences
  • Professional qualification plus advanced training (at least 400 hours)
  • Professional qualification plus Suitability test in accordance with the Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act (LHG). The aptitude test can be taken at the Allensbach University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz.
  • Completed first degree
  • A successfully completed first year of study at a university in another federal state.

Can academic achievements be credited or recognized?

If you have already completed a further education course (e.g. Betriebswirt IHK, Betriebswirt VWA, Handelsfachwirt or Bankbetriebswirt) or have completed comparable work at another university, it is possible to receive credit or recognition. We will be happy to check for you individually which credits or recognitions we can offer you. Talk to our educational advisors!

Modules of the Bachelor's degree program with specialization in business taxation

1st semester
Scientific work and self-management
Introduction to general business administration
Business mathematics
Accounting I

2nd semester
Economics I
Corporate management
Business Law I
Accounting II

3rd semester
Cost accounting and controlling
Investment and financing
Business informatics

4th semester
Project and process management
Economics II
Business English
Human resources management
Business Law II

5th semester
Tax theory
Income tax, trade tax and corporation tax
Accounting tax, inheritance and valuation law

6th semester
Fiscal Code, Fiscal Court Code and Value Added Tax
Tax case studies
Bachelor's thesis (with colloquium)

How long does the course take?

The standard period of study of 3 years (6 semesters) corresponds to a full-time course of study, so the duration of the course will be longer if you are studying alongside your job. However, your relevant experience as a professional will give you the opportunity to combine your studies with practical knowledge and, for example, to work on practical topics in term papers or theses.

If your personal or professional situation requires it, you can always extend your studies free of charge for up to 18 months. After that, there are further fee-based extension options.

Next online info event
26.05.2025 from 18:00-19:30
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