
Artificial intelligence in internal communication

Advancing digitalization presents companies with new challenges in internal communication. A flood of information, a lack of transparency and inefficient processes make collaboration more difficult and reduce productivity. At the same time, modern technologies such as artificial intelligence offer innovative solutions for internal communication. This helps to optimize communication channels, reach employees in a more targeted manner and improve the strategic orientation of internal communication.

Semiotics according to Umberto Eco: Signs, meaning and culture

With his theory of semiotics, Umberto Eco has shown how signs operate in cultural systems and how they contribute to shaping perception and ideology. His approaches are indispensable for understanding the mechanisms behind media, art, literature and popular cultural phenomena that shape our society. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and [...]

Semiotik und Kommunikation wichtig für PR- und Kommunikationsmanager

Die Semiotik, die Lehre von Zeichen und Zeichensystemen, ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Kommunikationswissenschaften. Sie untersucht, wie Zeichen – seien es Worte, Bilder oder Symbole – Bedeutung erzeugen und kommunizieren. Für PR- und Kommunikationsmanager ist ein fundiertes Verständnis von Semiotik und Kommunikation unerlässlich. Es ermöglicht ihnen, Botschaften gezielt zu gestalten und die Wirkung von Kommunikation […]

Friedemann Schulz von Thun's four-sided model: understanding messages better

The four-sided model, also known as the communication square or message square, was developed by the German psychologist and communication scientist Friedemann Schulz von Thun. It states that every message has four aspects or sides: the factual content, the self-revelation, the relationship cue and the appeal. These aspects are always contained simultaneously in every message, whether consciously or unconsciously. By Prof. Dr. Patrick [...]

Non-violent communication and its role in internal communication

Non-violent communication (NVC), developed by Marshall B. Rosenberg, is a method of interpersonal communication based on empathy and honest, respectful interaction. The aim is to resolve conflicts and improve the quality of interpersonal relationships. This form of communication is not only used in personal relationships, but increasingly also in organizational contexts. Through the [...]

ChatGPT in the healthcare sector - opportunities and risks

ChatGPT initially appears inconspicuous and unspectacular. It is a kind of chatbot. This "intelligent" variant apparently knows the answers to many medical questions. Around one in four of Generation Z is familiar with this application. By Prof. Dr. Volker Nürnberg, Professor of Management in Healthcare at Allensbach University ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, a Californian AI research company, [...]

The impact of the case law of the European Court of Justice on German inheritance and gift tax law - a review and outlook

German inheritance tax law is regularly the subject of rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). This mostly concerns cases with a foreign connection, in which inheritance tax benefits are not granted to foreign heirs or donees, or only to a limited extent. This article aims to provide an overview of the current state of affairs. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor [...]

Opening or liquidation? Analysis of the situation of the currently closed bond fund "Deutscher Mittelstandsanleihen FONDS"

- Abridged version of a working paper available here - By Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stark, Professor of Finance and Head of the M.A. Finance program at Allensbach University "Deutscher Mittelstandsanleihen FONDS" (hereinafter referred to as "DMAF" or "Fund") is the name of an open-ended investment fund that invests primarily in comparatively high-yield, rarely traded bonds issued by German medium-sized companies. Launched almost ten years ago, it has achieved [...]

Hermann Hesse's "Die Morgenlandfahrt" and the servant leadership concept

In his story "Die Morgenlandfahrt", the German writer Hermann Hesse creates a special image of service. From this, the American thinker Robert K. Greenleaf developed the idea of servant leadership. According to this concept, a leader who enjoys the trust of his or her followers is first and foremost a servant. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Development [...]

Ethics and digital communication: partners or conflicting parties?

How are ethics influenced by the constant development of digital communication? How do communication parties ensure a common ethical understanding? And do ethics still play a role at all in these developments? These questions are particularly relevant to interpersonal communication. Ethics and digital communication are closely linked. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, [...]

Exception to antitrust law: fixed prices as protection for books as cultural assets

As an exception to the general antitrust regulations, books, including e-books, must comply with a price set by the publisher in Germany. This is justified by the special status of the book as a cultural asset. Fixed book prices do not apply, for example, to used books, second-hand copies and collective orders for school lessons. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, Professor of Banking Law at Allensbach University [...]

Broadening the horizon? On the connection between semiotics and digitization

Semiotics is the science of sign processes in culture and nature. Without sign processes, perception, learning, remembering, communication and cultural meanings would not be possible. This plays a particularly important role in the age of digitalization. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and Digital Media and Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Material Development at Allensbach University [...]

The new teachers

A current diagnosis of the times for the new educators with a practical view of the future tasks of in-company further and continuing education in adult education By Prof. MMag. Dr. Martin Bauer, Professor of Vocational Education and Business Education and Head of the M.A. Business Education program at Allensbach University Education and the time to take up education also play a role in a time of social distancing, according to [...]

On the choice of fixed interest rate

By Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stark, Professor of Finance at Allensbach University In the last decade, market participants have almost become accustomed to extremely low, sometimes negative interest rates. In the course of this year, however, interest rates have risen again considerably and the previously common phenomenon of significant interest rate differences between fixed-interest periods has returned. Thus [...]

Amazon Prime price increase of up to 30%: Legally permissible?

Amazon is increasing the prices of its Prime subscription by up to 30%, depending on the type of subscription. Amazon sends emails to its customers and refers to a provision in its General Terms and Conditions to legitimize the increase. Against the background of a decision by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in the field of banking law, this approach is not without legal problems. By Prof. Dr. [...]

Legislative changes worth knowing in July 2022

Legal framework conditions often change at the beginning of the year and in the middle of the year on July 1, before parliament's summer recess. This year is no exception. Some important changes are briefly addressed here. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, Professor of Banking Law at Allensbach University Termination of consumer contracts on the Internet All websites on which [...]

Immorality of commitment interest on loans

For loans that are not drawn down immediately or that are only drawn down in tranches, the bank holds the loan from the closing date until the borrower has drawn down the loan in full. This period can easily extend over many months or even over a year. For this holding period, the bank requires [...]

Major study on the skilled trades conducted jointly with university institute

The Institute for SMEs and Crafts at Allensbach University was involved in a research project funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism as part of the "Future Initiative Crafts 2025". The study "New Work: The influence of megatrends and business model innovations on work in the skilled trades of the future - concretized in the carpentry trade [...]

Ethics: What Aristotle has to do with investing money

Today more than ever, investing is also about achieving an overarching purpose and doing good. Impact investing is the expression of this attitude. Ethics is the keyword. The basis for this can already be found in ancient times with Aristotle. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and Digital Media [...]

Studying in Austria with new perspectives

In Austria, the complete reorganization of continuing academic education (extraordinary studies) is opening up new educational paths. By Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Stieger, Professor of Vocational Education and Business Education and Rector of Allensbach University The Austrian higher education institutions 22 public universities, 16 private universities, 21 universities of applied sciences and 14 teacher training colleges can offer university courses[1] in addition to the regular courses. These [...]

Atypical loan collateral: Collateral value in the banking business

Atypical loan collateral or substitute collateral is also referred to as non-genuine collateral or flippantly as a "letter to have a warm feeling". This is because they are usually - but not always - mere declarations of commitment by the borrower. The borrower is already obliged to repay the loan amount plus interest. If he fails to do so, he is [...]

Premium savings: The tug-of-war continues

By Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stark, Professor of Finance at Allensbach University Savers across the country have been fighting for a higher interest rate on their premium savings contracts since the cheaply calculated interest rate was deemed unjust. Our blog takes a second look at the topic: For the civil and banking supervisory law perspective, please refer to the article In the meantime, the Federal Court of Justice has [...]

Deadline January 1, 2022: The BGB is being made fit for digital products!

One of the biggest reforms of the law of obligations in the German Civil Code after the fundamental modernization of the law of obligations around 20 years ago was introduced by the legislator with special rules for digital products on 1 January 2022. Two areas have been newly regulated. On the one hand, there are now special regulations for consumer contracts for digital products in Sections 327 et seq. BGB, on the other hand [...]

Investing correctly with investment funds

By Prof. Dr. Peter Spettenhuber, Professor of Accounting and Auditing at Allensbach University Until recently, households hoarded the money produced in large quantities since 2008, thereby protecting themselves and other economic players from the negative consequences of inflation. They forewent income from interest and dividends and even incurred storage costs in the form of negative interest and [...]

Life insurers' investments in the zero interest phase

By Prof. Dr. Gunnar Stark, Professor of Finance at Allensbach University of Applied Sciences Companies in virtually all insurance sectors make capital investments from the insurance premiums they receive. Nevertheless, capital investments play a different role in insurance production. While non-life insurance companies, with their lower ratio of insured events, depend to a large extent on risk equalization within the insurance collective and less on the return on their investments, [...]

Transparency register "reloaded" - significant expansion of registration obligations due to the latest reform of the German Money Laundering Act (GwG)

The new transparency register is intended to provide information on the beneficial owners of companies and other organizations. The focus is on combating money laundering and terrorist financing. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance and Family Office Management at Allensbach University Largely unnoticed by the public, the legislator has introduced a new transparency register as part of its latest amendment to the [...]

"Social bonds" - new ways of issuing bonds

Sponsored Content According to Simon Bond, manager of the Columbia Threadneedle Social Bond Manager, the coronavirus pandemic is actually something of an accelerator for social bonds. At the end of March, for example, the Free State of Bavaria placed a record volume of three billion euros as reconstruction aid for Bavarian companies. Various other development banks or the European Investment Bank [...]

Social media as an important part of corporate communication

Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and the like are still a closed book for many companies. Social media are often only used in a perfunctory and irrelevant way, if at all. This should change, as it is a great way to expand and maintain reach and reputation. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Chair of PR, Communication and Digital Media [...]

ECJ: German general consumer loans largely in breach of European law

In its decision of 9.9.2021 (Ref. C-33/20, C-155/20 and C-187/20), the ECJ clarified various questions on consumer credit in response to questions referred by the Ravensburg Regional Court against VW Bank and BMW Bank. The decision and its consequences are presented in this article. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, Professor of Banking Law at Allensbach University Starting point of the ECJ decision Before [...]

Consumer Credit Directive: EU Commission proposal for the further development of consumer credit law

Directive 2008/48/EC on credit agreements for consumers (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Credit Directive" or "Directive") has already been amended in 2011, 2014, 2016 and 2019. The aim of the Directive is to ensure a harmonized EU framework for consumer credit. This is intended to ensure a functioning internal market for consumer credit and a high level of consumer protection. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, Professor of Banking Law at the [...]

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