
Asset reporting: what can it do?

Every large asset should be regularly monitored with regard to the performance of its individual segments. Only through continuous monitoring can undesirable developments be identified in good time. Consolidated asset reporting enables effective control. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance and Family Office Management at Allensbach University Every large fortune should be monitored with regard to the [...]

Trust management: consistent and honest communication is crucial

Trust is the number one resource in any business operation. Organizations should therefore also focus their communication on gaining trust and maintaining it in the best possible way. Credibility and authenticity are the cornerstones of trust management. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and Digital Media at Allensbach University Trust is a [...]

Leadership: Innovative concept for future-oriented organizations

In recent years, the concept of leadership has become established in the international business and communication sciences. It describes the ability to inspire other people with one's own vision and thus indirectly influence their thinking (mindset), behavior and actions. Leaders focus on their human and social skills, which are then used by employees to [...]

Asset succession: Tax optimization through family office management

The strategic, legal and tax planning of wealth succession is one of the most important tasks in family office management. One of the particular challenges of a family office is therefore to make the transfer of assets as "tax-friendly" as possible. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance and Family Office Management at Allensbach University The planning of wealth succession is one of [...]

Fictitious consent clause in general terms and conditions ineffective: What advantages does this bring for consumers?

On April 27, 2021, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) issued a sensational ruling on the fictitious consent clause in Postbank's General Terms and Conditions (GTC). The reasons for the ruling are now available, and there is already a heated debate about its scope. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, Professor of Banking Law at Allensbach University What is the fictitious consent clause? [...]

The new accounting system!

Advancing globalization requires almost all companies to adapt quickly to a multivariate economic, financial and industrial environment that is often independent of time and place. These are characterized by rapid, if not sometimes revolutionary, developments and changes, particularly in the digital sector. An important building block within these digital dynamics is the lasting and irreversible change in individual areas of finance [...]

Brexit: Corporate law and tax implications - an update on the current situation

Most large family assets are allocated internationally. This has legal and tax consequences. Brexit is a current example of this. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance and Family Office Management at Allensbach University International connections play a major role in family office management. Most large family assets are allocated internationally. In addition [...]

Investment risk brings high benefits

Building up and managing assets is a lifelong task. Either the asset owner takes on this task themselves or they commission a service provider to do so. Some take care of the assets at the same time. This is because many fail to increase their assets, i.e. to generate a net return of more than zero percent. Others, however, manage to multiply their assets. Investment risk provides scope for higher returns. By Prof. Dr. [...]

Tax deduction for tuition fees

Studying costs money. The advantage: tuition fees and other education costs are tax deductible. The decisive factor for deductibility for students is whether it is a first degree course or a second or subsequent degree course. By Prof. Dr. Peter Spettenhuber, Professor of Accounting and Auditing at Allensbach University Tuition fees and other education costs [...]

Effects of the lockdown: Right to rent reduction etc.?

For many companies, the question of a rent reduction arises in the economic crisis as a result of the corona lockdowns. A new legal regulation creates the possibility of resolving the lockdown situation, which is not the fault of either party, in a way that is in the interests of both parties. This means that the entire risk should not lie with one party. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, lawyer, Professor of Banking Law at the Allensbach [...]

Information asymmetry: avoiding conflicts in communication

If two parties do not have the same information, this is referred to as information asymmetry. This can lead to serious problems in all kinds of business transactions. Good and transparent communication can prevent this scenario. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and Digital Media at Allensbach University Conflicts can arise in any business relationship [...]

Getting company succession right: Nothing works without communication

The so-called succession wave is rolling towards the entire SME sector. Company succession is a wide-ranging topic. In some cases, complex tax and legal issues arise. The role of communication should also not be forgotten. A lack of communication can lead to disadvantages in the handover process. By Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters, Professor of PR, Communication and Digital Media at the [...]

Art investments as an alternative asset class in family office management

How sustainable are art investments and how can investments in art be compared with traditional investments? Is it even possible? As part of the Master Finance (M.A.) program at Allensbach University, you can get to know, deepen and study the principles of investing in art and its effects on overall wealth. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance [...]

Company acquisitions in the SME sector: M&A as rocket science?

Due diligence, discounted cash flow method, war room, structuring, tax optimization, private equity, MBO, MBI, LBO, share deal, asset deal, earn-out structure, closing, retainer, short list... all important terms from the field of mergers and acquisitions, commonly known as M&A. Is buying a company really as complicated as it sounds? Are only internationally active investment bankers, who are also involved in M&A [...]?

Abitur: Studying at Allensbach University is an interesting alternative

A-levels - and now? Allensbach University uses the possibilities of digitalization to create the greatest possible flexibility. There are no empty lecture halls at Allensbach University. Distance learning also offers high school graduates the opportunity to study business administration under the current conditions, independent of time and place and with a full range of courses. They can choose their focus [...]

Family Office Management vs. Private Wealth Management

People often ask what exactly distinguishes Family Office Management (FOM) from Private Wealth Management (PWM). From the outside, the two do indeed look very similar. On closer inspection, however, there are fundamental differences, which are briefly explained below. By Prof. Dr. Maximilian A. Werkmüller, Professor of Finance [...]

Credit security law: Things to know when assuming a guarantee

Banks often secure loans by obtaining guarantees from relatives, spouses, managing directors or shareholders or by having them sign a joint liability declaration (usually directly on the loan agreement). The courts have imposed strict limits on this escalating practice in recent decades. The legal basis and the scope of liability for guarantors and co-guarantors are explained in this [...]

Banking: Tug-of-war over premium savings contracts

Interesting questions keep cropping up in banking. For many years, for example, banks and savings banks were able to adjust interest rates on variable loans and savings deposits at their own discretion. This is now to be regulated by law. The Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Banking at Allensbach University of Applied Sciences sheds light on such exciting questions. Prof. Dr. Patrick Rösler, lawyer and head of [...]

Using marketing as a "sales driver" - experts are needed!

A part-time degree with a specialization in Digital Marketing Management helps to train in-house experts for online marketing and communication strategies. You will receive practical and project-oriented training for the planning and execution of marketing projects. The privately run Allensbach University of Applied Sciences offers a Bachelor's degree in business administration with the appropriate specialization. Studies show time and again that the importance of marketing is growing. [...]

Study Occupational Health Management at Allensbach University

Healthy employees are motivated and productive employees. Companies with a functioning occupational health management system manage to significantly reduce their sick days and staff turnover. Allensbach University offers the specialization in Occupational Health Management, often abbreviated to BGM, as part of its Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Occupational health management (OHM) now affects almost all companies. This is because the focus of occupational [...]

Digitalization in education enables flexible learning at any time

The private Allensbach University of Applied Sciences is fully committed to digitalization. The focus is on a digital learning model and fully online-based lectures that take place live in protected rooms and are recorded. This is supported by didactically high-quality study materials and professors and lecturers who can be reached at any time. Many professionals want to qualify as specialists or managers or prepare for a job as a self-employed [...].

University certificates can bring direct practical benefits

University certificates are aimed at professionals who are looking for structured and targeted further education courses in their own or a related subject area. This enables them to open up new opportunities in their professional environment. Such university certificates are offered primarily in the field of business administration. Allensbach University has positioned itself as an established provider in this field. Many employees, the self-employed and entrepreneurs want to [...]

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