Aptitude test for professionally qualified persons

University entrance with training and professional experience

You don't have a high school diploma or a university entrance qualification, but would still like to study business administration?

If you have at least two years of commercial training and at least three years of professional experience in a relevant field, you have the opportunity to take the aptitude test for professionally qualified students and thus gain admission to the university for the Bachelor of Business Administration and Management (B.A.) to obtain.

Before you can register for the examination, you must attend a consultation at the university, where we will inform you about the degree program and the admission requirements.

The examination consists of the German and English sections, the subject-specific section and the oral examination. The subject-specific part of the examination covers mathematics and business administration. The written parts of the examination each last 120 minutes, the oral examination lasts 30 minutes. You can only take part in the oral examination if you have passed all the written parts of the examination. All parts of the examination are held at Allensbach University in Constance.

The aptitude test for professionally qualified applicants is offered several times a year.

Your application for the Bachelor's degree program or for admission to the aptitude test must be received by Allensbach University at least four weeks before the planned examination date.

The aptitude test costs a total of EUR 450.

To arrange examination dates and for further information, please contact the Educational counseling!

Request information now free of charge!

You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.
