Interview with Nadine Pfaffeneder, model and Miss Earth Austria

Picture: Michael Lehner

Nadine Pfaffeneder is a student at Allensbach University and gave us a little insight into her everyday life and her part-time distance learning program in November 2023.

  1. Tell us who you are in a few sentences.

My name is Nadine Pfaffeneder, I am 23 years old and I live in Vienna. It's hard to put into one word exactly what I am, because I am many things. On the one hand, I am allowed to complete my distance learning course at Allensbach University, and on the other hand, I am the owner and managing director of my elderly and personal care company "Nadine". When I have time in between, I also work as a model in Austria, Italy and Germany and have already appeared twice on the catwalk at Milan Fashion Week. In my private life I am also a proud dog mommy to my dwarf spitz lady Mercedes, active in sports, a passionate cook and always up for a bit of fun.

  1. Nadine, can you tell us more about your studies at Allensbach University? Which subject did you choose and what motivated you to do so?

The director, Martin Stieger, made me aware of the extensive and flexible range of courses on offer at Allensbach University, as this fits in perfectly with my spontaneous lifestyle, as I can easily organize my own time. I chose the B.A in Business Administration with a focus on digital marketing management.

  1. What do you particularly like about studying at Allensbach University?

For me, one of the biggest plus points is the great flexibility that the degree program offers, because I can access my courses and study at any time and from anywhere, which is particularly important to me, as I have very limited time and would not be able to reconcile studying with fixed times with my workload. What I also have to emphasize, because I have always noticed this very positively, is the great team, which is always eager to help me with any concerns. I always get quick answers to my questions with great friendliness and although I have registered for exams after the registration deadline on one or two occasions, the examinations office has always made every effort to ensure that I am allowed to take the exam.

  1. How do you manage to reconcile your studies with your obligations as Miss Austria? What strategies do you use to manage the balancing act between your academic and professional life?

A very important point in my life is organization and discipline. I divide my work, modeling jobs and studies between Monday and Sunday so that I get as much done as possible. Unfortunately, my work is very time-consuming, because as a managing director I usually have a 60h+ week and there are often spontaneous changes, as we work with people and you can never foresee everything. Even if I can't complete my studies at the usual pace, I'm still very happy that Allensbach University offers such a flexible program and that I have the opportunity to study at all. There would be no other offer for me that is so compatible with my life.

  1. Are there any specific subjects or aspects of your studies that have particularly helped you prepare for self-employment?

To be honest, everything I've learned so far, I've found again in some form at the company. As I did my Matura at an Austrian AHS, I didn't really take anything from there from an economic point of view. Studying was something completely new for me and I am grateful to have embarked on this path, as it allowed me to pick up a lot of important knowledge, which has noticeably helped me to follow my current path.

  1. What support and resources does Allensbach University offer you to achieve your professional goals?

On the one hand, definitely the knowledge that I was able to acquire through the online courses, and on the other, the great customer service, which has always provided me with support no matter what. Studying at Allensbach University is exactly what I need to support me in my work as a manager and to help me grow.

  1. To what extent has your academic background at Allensbach University influenced your independence and your professional career?

The discipline that a distance learning course demands has given me even more self-confidence, which has encouraged me to take the path of self-employment. Without my studies, I would only know half as much about business, which would certainly have caused me some problems and embarrassing situations.

  1. What professional goals are you pursuing after completing your studies? Are there any plans to combine your academic education and your professional career?

I really want to see my company grow, and the degree program will provide me with the best possible support so that I can successfully complete all my courses despite the heavy workload.

  1. How can young people in similar situations benefit from your studies and experiences? Do you have any advice on how to successfully balance studies and a professional career?

A lot of discipline and organization, not being afraid to ask for help, because often the real strength is realizing that you need it and one thing above all: not being so hard on yourself. It's perfectly okay if something doesn't go as planned and it takes longer than expected, after all, we're all only human. What also helps me is to break everything down into smaller stages, because when I look at the big picture, I sometimes get the feeling that I'm not achieving enough, which is of course nonsense. Smaller goals help me to celebrate successes, the big picture then falls into place by itself. Never lose your self-confidence, because even if the path is more winding than you think, it will lead you to your goal.

  1. What role does Allensbach University play in your personal development and your pursuit of professional success?

Studying at Allensbach University has motivated me a lot to steer my career towards the business sector and to think more "creatively". I have become a lot more diligent and committed and have been able to further my education, which has led to an increase in my self-confidence.

  1. What challenges and experiences from your studies have particularly shaped you and helped you to become the person you are today?

What was and is often a sore point for me is the time, which I unfortunately lack from time to time. I would like to do even more with my studies, but as a self-employed person it's often not that easy. An important point was to learn that I shouldn't be so hard on myself and that I need to take the time to see how far I've actually come and that I can be a little proud of that, because I know that I'm doing my best all the time. This gives me the strength and drive to overcome all hurdles and achieve my goals.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to share my impressions of studying at Allensbach University! I very much hope that one or two people will feel inspired by the interview and take something away with them.

Nadine, thank you very much for this interview!



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