Allensbach University again excellent provider at Fernstudium Direkt

Allensbach Hochschule wieder Exzellenter Anbieter bei Fernstudium Direkt

Allensbach University has received a top rating of five stars

The comparison portal Fernstudium Direkt has awarded 48 excellent providers. Allensbach University received the top rating of five stars. 

Fernstudium Direkt is one of the leading comparison portals for further education and study in German-speaking countries and awards the FSD Seal of Approval annually to the best-rated academic and non-academic education providers on the platform. For the current FSD Seal of Approval 2025, 8799 evaluations received between January 1 and December 31, 2024 were evaluated, resulting in a total of 48 "Excellent Providers" and four "Very Good Providers" 2025. Participants described their experiences with their distance learning courses and distance learning programs and rated the distance learning provider's distance learning program on a scale of one to five stars with regard to three aspects. This results in an overall rating of one to five stars for the aspects of teaching and concept, content and materials as well as support and organization.

Allensbach University is "Excellent Provider 2025"

Allensbach University of Applied Sciences Konstanz has received the "Excellent Provider 2025" seal for its top rating of five stars, as one of only a few universities on the platform. "We are very pleased about this further award from Fernstudium Direkt, which continues a whole series of awards and positive rankings in the distance learning sector for our university. It is a great honor for us to be among the best distance learning universities in Germany year after year. It shows us that our concept, which is consistently geared towards quality, innovation and practical relevance, is bearing fruit and that we are meeting the needs of students in academic education and training, especially with a focus on part-time study," says Timo Keppler, Chancellor of the university. Allensbach University is a state-recognized university of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and offers various part-time Bachelor's and Master's programmes in the field of economics.

Digital and flexible learning at Allensbach University

Mit einem konsequenten digitalen Fernhochschulkonzept und flexibel konzipierten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen erreicht die staatlich anerkannte Hochschule vor allem Berufstätige aus Deutschland und Österreich, die sich strukturiert und praxisorientiert im akademischen Bereich weiterbilden oder auch ein nebenberufliches Studium absolvieren wollen. Hochschul- und Bildungsexperten halten digitale Lernmodelle für ein wesentliches Element im Bildungssektor, jetzt und in Zukunft. Digitales Lernen ermöglicht Flexibilität, Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung. Studierende können ihr Studium an der privaten Hochschule jederzeit beginnen und die Regelstudienzeit – ohne zusätzliche Gebühren – um bis zu 18 Monate verlängern. Die Studiengänge der Allensbach Hochschule sind akkreditiert und als Fernstudiengänge konzipiert. Alle Studiengänge sind zusätzlich von der Staatlichen Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht (ZFU) zugelassen.

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