Selbstbestimmtes Fernstudium - Erfahrungsbericht Master Wirtschaftspädagogik

Selbstbestimmtes Fernstudium – Erfahrungsbericht Master Wirtschaftspädagogik

Selbstbestimmtes Fernstudium - Erfahrungsbericht Master Wirtschaftspädagogik

Field report from Daniel Dressel im Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftspädagogik:

In my case, I did things that had nothing to do with cognitive performance and screen time. The fact that I stayed at home as a man and studied in the mornings while my kids were at nursery also gave me the flexibility I needed. So for me, relaxation meant stretching my body, taking 10-minute power naps or a mini walk. But hanging out the washing, cooking or tidying up in between was also active relaxation for me, as I was challenged in a different way to when I was studying.

Despite the challenges mentioned above, the distance learning course in Wipäd fitted in very well with our lives. I was able to decide for myself when and how intensively I wanted to study and also determine the duration of my studies accordingly. Because Allensbach University is a fully online university, I was also able to organize my studies exactly according to my needs. For example, I always had several modules activated at once so that I could determine the order in which I completed the modules myself. My main aim was to avoid idle time so that I could complete my studies by the end of 2022. Although I often had to adjust my study planning, it helped me enormously to avoid getting bogged down in "small stuff" and to work towards the final goal of "Ref 2023".

Was ich richtig klasse fand, waren die Einsendeaufgaben. Dabei musste ich nichts auswendig lernen, sondern konnte mich zielorientiert und vor allem zügig mit den Themen der jeweiligen Module auseinandersetzen. Für mich war das eine sehr effiziente Art, Prüfungsleistungen zu erbringen und stellte eine willkommene Abwechslung zu den Hausarbeiten dar, wovon tatsächlich einige im Laufe des Studiums verfasst werden „dürfen“. (read full report)


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