Costs of distance learning | Allensbach University

Costs for distance learning: How much does it cost?

If you want to study, there are a lot of things to consider - this is especially true for distance learning. The question of costs plays a decisive role here. In the following, we explain how high the Costs for distance learning at Allensbach University and what other expenses you can expect during your studies.

The costs of distance learning at Allensbach University at a glance

The cost of a distance learning course at our university depends primarily on the length and type of your course. If you are studying by distance learning Bachelor in Business Administration and Management you can expect higher costs than for a continuing education program at the end of which you will receive a corresponding certificate. The standard period of study for a Bachelor distance learning program is six semesters - although it should be noted that many students exceed this time frame. In addition, each distance learning student at Allensbach University can determine the length of their studies individually.

The monthly tuition fees for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Business Administration and Management currently amount to 375 euros. With a standard study period of 36 months, this results in a total amount of 13,500 euros. One-year further education courses also cost 375 euros per month - the total amount here is therefore 4,500 euros. The total cost of the academic further education course "Betriebswirt:in Allensbach Hochschule" is 6,750 euros, while the monthly costs remain the same.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in General Management costs EUR 590 per month; depending on the course variant, the total costs range from EUR 8,280 (60 ECTS variant, standard period of study: 12 months) to EUR 10,620 (90 ECTS variant, standard period of study: 18 months).

The costs for your distance learning course are slightly higher if you are aiming for an MBA with a specialization (120 ECTS variant): The MBA in General Management, which can be obtained within 24 months, costs 14,160 euros (590 euros per month). At the same level are the Costs for distance learningif you opt for the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Business Administration and Management or Finance. Lower fees are charged for our compact courses, preparatory courses and certificate courses.

Further issues for your distance learning

When calculating the costs of a distance learning course, in addition to tuition fees, the cost of teaching materials (especially textbooks) is also an important item. Allensbach University provides you with a modern learning environment and a wealth of documents that you can use as resources. Nevertheless, the purchase of some standard works, which you will have to refer to again and again during your studies, is unavoidable. You should therefore budget a few hundred euros for the purchase of books. It may be possible to purchase one or two works on the second-hand market and reduce the costs of your distance learning course in this way. However, it should be noted that older books usually represent a level of knowledge that is not up to date.

As far as the cost of living is concerned, distance learning is no more expensive than on-campus study. In fact, you even save some money as you don't have to commute to the university every day. The semester ticket for students costs between 100 and 200 euros, depending on where you study. Expenses for rent, food and other things depend on the local price level. In cities such as Munich, Cologne or Hamburg, you have to reckon with much higher expenses than in less sought-after locations. Many of our students complete their Master's or Bachelor part-time - In such cases, the question of financing is clarified. Under certain circumstances, you can Costs for your distance learning program by applying for funding in accordance with the Federal Training and Support Act (BAFöG). You can obtain more information on this here.

Can the costs of a distance learning course be claimed for tax purposes?

From a tax perspective, the costs of distance learning are considered income-related expenses that are fully deductible. On request, we will be happy to issue you with a certificate of the tuition fees you have paid to date, which you can submit to the tax office together with your tax return. Please note that deductibility is only possible if you subsequently work in the relevant industry. In other words: If, for example, you complete your Bachelor's degree in business administration at Allensbach University and then start another apprenticeship or work in a non-specialist industry, you will not be able to deduct the costs of your distance learning course from your tax bill.

Extension of the standard period of study

If you exceed the standard period of study, this does not necessarily mean that the costs for your distance learning course will increase as a result. For example, you can easily extend your Bachelor's degree in Business Administration by up to 18 months. The study period for our other courses can also be extended without further ado - for example, for our academic continuing education courses (up to 6 months free of charge) and our Master's programs (up to 12 months free of charge). The study period for our MBA programs can be extended by up to 9 months without incurring additional fees. If you exceed the above-mentioned deadlines, you will have to pay the above-mentioned fees for each additional semester.

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