7 reasons for a Master's degree in Business Administration distance learning

If you already have a Bachelor Business Administration-If you have a degree in your pocket and want to obtain a Master's degree, you have two options: You can either start studying at a face-to-face university or opt for a Master Business Administration Distance Learning. You can find out why the latter alternative is the better one in this article. For comprehensive advice on our study programs, please call us on +49 7533 919 2386 or by e-mail (studium@allensbach-hochschule.de).

1 - A Master's in Business Administration distance learning program offers a high quality of education

Distance learning is not a second-class course of study. On the contrary: some of the courses offered by state-recognized distance learning universities even have a Higher quality of training as Master's degree programs at face-to-face universities. Make sure that your course is accredited by an independent organization such as the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZevA) is certified.

2 - A Master's in Business Administration distance learning program can be extended

The imponderables of life are also constantly present in everyday working life. Sometimes there are unexpected order peaks, sometimes there are spontaneous business trips. Then there are personal changes, such as moving house or the birth of a first child.

Students at face-to-face universities who Child often have no choice but to interrupt their studies. Those who opt for a distance learning Master's in Business Administration can allow themselves the luxury of simply extending the semesters. At Allensbach University, an extension of up to 50 percent is possible - and that completely free of charge.

3 - Your income is secure

Regardless of where you start a Master's in Business Administration distance learning course - in almost all cases, the courses are aimed at people who are already in professional life and want to pursue a career. regular income have. This solves a problem that many students at face-to-face universities (as long as they do not have a BAFöG The permanent financial hardship requires students to take on a part-time job, which often has a negative impact on their academic performance.

4 - You study without compulsory attendance

The Compulsory attendance is one of the biggest disadvantages of a conventional Master's degree course. In larger cities with heavy traffic, it is sometimes a matter of luck whether you arrive at the university on time. If you take up a distance learning Master's in Business Administration, you don't have to put up with stressful journeys. You can study within your own four walls or on the move - the internet makes it possible.

5 - You are personally looked after at all times

Women and men who opt for a distance learning Master's degree in Business Administration do not have to do without academic support from professors. The only difference to an on-campus course is that the supervision online takes place. Supervision is particularly important when it comes to writing the final thesis. In this situation, you are glad to be able to fall back on the advice of experienced lecturers.

6 - Free choice of examination venue for written examinations

Distance learning students also have to write exams. However, these are usually not written on the premises of the distance learning university, but in examination centers. Allensbach University offers you the opportunity to take exams at 9 Examination centers to choose from. These are spread all over the country and are easy to reach. Students studying abroad on a distance learning Master's in Business Administration can take their exams at the nearest Goethe-Institut.

7 - You are flexible in terms of time

Almost all people who complete a Master's in Business Administration distance learning course are in professional life. Time flexibility is an absolute must for this group of people. A Online business studies offers this flexibility and has the additional advantage that the written work is submitted online - eliminating time-consuming trips to the copy store and post office.

If you want to enjoy these and many other advantages of a distance learning Master's degree in Business Administration, you are in good hands at Allensbach University: We offer you a First-class management trainingwhich qualifies you for exciting and varied jobs in the business world. Ask for information material at any time or let our employees free advice!

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