Der Erwerb des Mastertitels ist in der heutigen Zeit keine leichte Aufgabe. Wohl dem, der die Möglichkeit hat, Online den Master zu machen: Mit einem Fernstudium erledigen sich viele der Probleme, die ein Studium an einer herkömmlichen Präsenzuniversität mit sich bringt, von alleine. Sie können sich Ihre Zeit frei einteilen und den Lernstoff in den eigenen vier Wänden aufnehmen. Nervenaufreibende Fahrten durch den morgendlichen Berufsverkehr werden mit einem Fernstudium ebenso überflüssig wie der Besuch von Präsenzvorlesungen und -seminaren. Die Allensbach Hochschule ist eine der besten Adressen im deutschsprachigen Raum, wenn es darum geht, einen Online Master-Abschluss zu erwerben. An unserem Bildungsinstitut können Sie unter zahlreichen Weiterbildungsangeboten wählen und sich auf vielfältigen Gebieten spezialisieren. Unsere Studiengänge zeichnen sich durch eine hohe inhaltliche Qualität und einen starken Bezug zur wirtschaftlichen Praxis aus.
With the Online Master's in Finance, we offer an internet-based Master's degree program that is fully tailored to professionals from the banking, finance or insurance sector. If you already have a first academic degree and want to advance your career, this course is the perfect choice. You can continue your education in a reasonable amount of time without having to give up your current job or restrict yourself financially. Allensbach University offers you excellent academic support and an efficient learning environment. Depending on your professional specialization, you can choose a focus that suits you. You can choose between the specializations Accounting & Taxation, Wealth Management and Banking. Regardless of whether you work in an investment consultancy or a bank - the online Master's in Finance will prepare you for all the challenges that the finance and credit sector will face in the coming years.
The Online Master-The "Business Education" degree course is an ideal stepping stone for people who want to work as a vocational school teacher or pursue a career in human resources. The part-time course equips you with the necessary tools for your new field of work and enables you to take on managerial roles. You will have access to high-quality learning materials and supporting webinars that take place after hours. The content focuses on the areas of "Vocational education and pedagogy in vocational schools" (VET for short) and "In-company and external continuing education" (CET for short). The examinations can be taken flexibly at locations throughout Germany.
The Master's degree course in Business Administration and Management is aimed at anyone who already has a Bachelor's degree and wants to take on more management responsibility in a company or in administration. The online Master's degree program prepares you for activities in the higher levels of business enterprises and gives you the opportunity to further develop your action and problem-solving skills. You will receive comprehensive management training at the highest academic level. In addition, you will gain up-to-date expert knowledge in a specialist discipline (digital transformation, finance or marketing management) and acquire the eligibility to begin a subsequent doctoral program. Find out more about this topic here. The online Master's in Business Administration and Management is a more than interesting offer for ambitious professionals who want to complete a part-time degree and thus recommend themselves for higher-level positions.
You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.