Online study at Allensbach University

Studying online at Allensbach University: what you need to know

A Online study is a modern and attractive way to avoid the adversities of face-to-face study. Allensbach University offers you a wide range of options for obtaining your desired degree online. You only need to be present in person for the examinations, which you can take at any of our nationwide centers.

Studying online at Allensbach University: degree programs and qualifications

Allensbach Fernhochschule currently offers one Bachelor's and six regular Master's degree courses. While the first of these courses leads to a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, the other courses lead to the award of a Master of Arts or Master of Business Administration (MBA). Students on the Bachelor of Business Administration course choose one of the following specializations:

  • PR and communication management
  • Business Psychology
  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Digital Business Management
  • Fashion Management
  • Start-up and innovation management
  • SME and craft management
  • Business taxation
  • Company health management
  • Construction and real estate management
  • Banking

By specializing in one of the above-mentioned subject areas, you will increase your chances on the job market. You will gain valuable expert knowledge and be prepared to tackle business management challenges in commercial enterprises. Important content-related and didactic elements include an introductory project with group work, project work in the group together with fellow students and a practical work phase to apply the knowledge you have learned.

Online study with a Master's degree

If you are interested in studying online for a Master's degree, you can choose from the following degree programs at our distance learning university:

  • MBA General Management
  • MBA General Management plus
  • MBA Engineering Management
  • Business Administration and Management, M.A.
  • Business Education, M.A.
  • Finance, M.A.

The MBA courses prepare you for management and leadership positions in commercial enterprises. You will receive a comprehensive management education that is geared towards the current requirements of the job market and the latest scientific findings. Students acquire important business fundamentals and learn about the economic framework conditions for management activities. Other topics covered include accounting, marketing, personnel management and legal issues. The conclusion of your online studies at Allensbach University is your Master's thesis, for which you will receive individual and close supervision from our lecturers. Our Master's degree programs are open to anyone who already has a first academic degree. The "Master Finance" is aimed at specialists from the banking, finance or insurance sector who want to advance their career and take on more management responsibility in their company. The "Business Administration and Management" course includes comprehensive management training and provides you with expert knowledge in a specialization of your choice (digital transformation, finance or marketing management). If you would like to work as a vocational school teacher and are looking for a lateral entry into the preparatory service for the vocational teaching profession, the "Business Education" online degree course is an option for you.

Costs of studying online at Allensbach University

Studying online at Allensbach University is nowhere near as expensive as many prospective students think. If you opt for a course that leads to a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, you will pay a monthly fee of 325 euros. For the Master's degree courses, the monthly fees amount to 590 euros. Depending on the course you choose, this results in total costs of 11,700 or 14,160 euros. It is possible to extend the standard period of study free of charge at any time. Under certain circumstances, your online studies can be subsidized by the state within the framework of the Federal Training and Support Act (BAFöG). You can obtain more information on this here.

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You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.
