Studying in Austria with new perspectives

In Austria, the complete reorganization of academic continuing education (extraordinary studies) opens up new educational paths.

From Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin StiegerProfessor of Vocational Education and Business Education and Rector of the Allensbach University

The Austrian higher education institutions

  • 22 public universities,
  • 16 private universities,
  • 21 Universities of Applied Sciences and
  • 14 Universities of teacher education

can be used in addition to the Regular studies also Courses for further training

  • University courses[1]
  • University courses[2]


These courses serve to Further education or training and can include various formats

  • Seminars,
  • Courses,
  • Certificate courses
  • Expert courses[3]
  • Courses[4] with a Bachelor's or Master's degree

To attend these courses, a Course fee[5] must be paid.

Cooperation with a non-university legal entity

As of October 1, 2021, the legal framework conditions for Courses leading to an academic degree (extraordinary[6] Bachelor's or Master's degree program) have changed significantly. Courses for further training can be used for economic and organizational support in Cooperation with a non-university legal entity are offered and carried out. Deviating from this, for courses in which the academic degree "Bachelor Professional" or "Master Professional" is to be awarded, extended cooperation with a non-university educational institution is required.

In this case, contracts must be concluded in particular on the definition of the services to be provided by the participating institutions, the implementation and the financing. These contracts must be published on the websites of the participating institutions without reference to individuals and without disclosing private sources of funding or business and trade secrets.

The Admission requirements for a Extraordinary Bachelor's degree are

  • the general higher education entrance qualification and
  • several years of relevant professional experience.

Prerequisite for admission to a extraordinary Bachelor's degreein which the academic degree "Bachelor Professional" is to be awarded, is

  • a relevant professional qualification or
  • several years of relevant professional experience.

If required by the curriculum, supplementary examinations may be provided for. The Rectorate may determine which of these supplementary examinations are a prerequisite for taking examinations provided for in the curriculum of the university course.

The Admission requirements for a Extraordinary Master's degree are

  • Completion of a relevant Bachelor's degree program with at least 180 ECTS credits,
  • another relevant course of study of at least the same higher education level at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or
  • a degree defined in the curriculum of the university course and several years of relevant professional experience.

Supplementary examinations may be prescribed to compensate for significant subject-related differences. The Rectorate may determine which of these supplementary examinations are a prerequisite for taking examinations provided for in the curriculum of the degree program.

By way of derogation from this, university courses in which the academic degree "Executive Master of Business Administration" is awarded, the curriculum also includes a relevant professional qualification as an admission requirement, provided that the admission conditions, scope and requirements are demonstrably comparable with the admission conditions, scope and requirements of several foreign Master's degree programs in the subject area in question.

Bachelor and Master: academic degrees

The academic degrees that are now possible as part of an associate degree program (university course) (taxative list):

Bachelor degrees are the academic degrees awarded upon completion of an associate bachelor's degree program[7]are awarded. They are

  • "Bachelor of Arts (Continuing Education)", abbreviated to "BA (CE)",
  • "Bachelor of Science (Continuing Education)", abbreviated to "BSc (CE)",
  • "Bachelor Professional", abbreviated to "BPr".

Master degree are the academic degrees awarded upon completion of an extraordinary Master's degree program.[8]are awarded. They are

  • "Master of Arts (Continuing Education)", abbreviated to "MA (CE)",
  • "Master of Science (Continuing Education)", abbreviated to "MSc (CE)",
  • "Master Professional", abbreviated to "MPr",
  • "Master of Laws", abbreviated to "LL.M.",
  • "Master of Business Administration", abbreviated to "MBA",
  • "Executive Master of Business Administration", abbreviated to "EMBA".

In a transitional phase until End of September 2023 students can still be admitted to Master's courses in accordance with the legal situation prior to October 1, 2021. These previously required admission requirements are quite different and are determined by the respective university. With the new regulations for continuing academic education that came into force on October 1, 2021, there are very interesting new study opportunities and educational paths, especially for those working in the profession.

Without Matura (high school diploma) to doctorate

Even if they do not have a university entrance qualification, professionals can now complete the Bachelor Professional and follow this up with a proper Master's degree. Professionals with relevant professional qualifications would also have the opportunity to gain admission to the EMBA and thus obtain a doctorate upon completion.

[1] carried out at public universities or private universities

[2] Conducted at universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education and private universities (established in accordance with PrivHG, currently no private university has been accredited in Austria)

[3] If continuing education courses are not completed with a Master's degree and at least 60 ECTS of workload must be completed for the degree, academic expert degrees (e.g. academic business manager) - also known as associate degrees - can be awarded. These courses must be integrated into the university's internal quality assurance and development system. The quality of teaching must be ensured by teaching staff with appropriate academic, academic-artistic, artistic or professional and didactic qualifications.

[4] These courses must be integrated into the university's internal quality assurance and development system. The quality of teaching must be ensured by teaching staff with appropriate academic, academic-artistic, artistic or practical professional and didactic qualifications.

[5] Participants must pay a course fee for attending university courses. This shall be determined by the rectorate, taking into account the actual costs of the university course. Participants who are simultaneously enrolled in a regular course of study at the same university and who receive a study grant shall be granted a reduction or waiver of the course fee upon application, taking into account their ability to pay.

[6] Non-degree students are students who are admitted to non-degree programs: to a course or to attend individual courses in academic subjects. They therefore do not complete a regular course of study. In the 2019 winter semester, a total of more than 30,000 non-degree students were enrolled at Austrian universities (18,371), private universities (2,886), universities of applied sciences (6,068) and university colleges of teacher education (3,042), more than 2/3 of whom were enrolled in Master's degree programs.

[7] The workload for non-degree Bachelor's programs must amount to 180 ECTS credits

[8] The workload for extraordinary Master's degree programs must amount to 120 ECTS credits and may in exceptional cases amount to fewer ECTS credits if this is comparable in scope and requirements to several foreign Master's degree programs in the subject area in question.


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