The university certificate "Labor Market Economics" comprises an economics-oriented module from the Allensbach University Master's program. You will be able to derive the determinants of labor supply and labor demand in perfect labor markets, understand the equilibrium in the perfect labor market as a benchmark and interpret it.
They learn about the effects of different job characteristics on wage differentials and can understand why the labor market differs conceptually and structurally from other markets. This helps to derive incentive-compatible wage contracts, to understand the function of formal educational qualifications as a signal for individual skills and to explain the impact on human capital investments.
After completing your studies, you will be able to differentiate between various causes of discrimination in the labor market, transfer the effects of minimum wages to the models discussed and critically question them.
Das Hochschulzertifikat schließt mit einer Einsendeaufgabe ab und ist auf den Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftspädagogik (M.A.) der Allensbach Hochschule anrechenbar, sofern die entsprechende Vertiefungsrichtung gewählt wird.
Für das Hochschulzertifikat erhalten Sie 10 ECTS, welche Sie sich auf den M.A. Wirtschaftspädagogik anrechnen lassen können.*
The university certificate is Online and without compulsory attendance completed.
Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!
You will find the registration form in the Online application.
* Sofern eine Zulassung zum M.A. Wirtschaftspädagogik möglich ist bzw. ein erster Hochschulabschluss vorliegt.
Knowledge of economics at Bachelor's level is required for this course. A submission task must be completed as an examination, which can be worked on at home.
The standard period of study is six months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further six months free of charge.
You can find all the important information about your degree program in your personal study guide.