Occupational health manager at Allensbach University

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 167616c
All information at a glance

Occupational health manager at Allensbach University

The task of occupational health management is to optimize processes in the day-to-day work of employees with the aim of reducing sickness rates and exploiting the performance potential of a company as a whole. This includes, for example, measures to reduce physical and mental stress and to promote health and preventive behavior; topics that are also of general social importance today - given the rising average age of the workforce.

The university certificate "Occupational Health Manager" is closely linked to current health science research and includes practical and project-oriented training for the analysis, target definition, planning, implementation and monitoring of occupational health. As a graduate of this certificate course, you will be particularly well-equipped to shape occupational health management and can take on management positions in the areas of prevention and health promotion in companies.

You will complete the following three modules in your certificate program:

  • Fundamentals of occupational health management (12 ECTS)
  • Management skills in the context of occupational health management (12 ECTS)
  • Standards, controlling and evaluation in occupational health management (12 ECTS)

You will complete each of these three modules with an assignment.

The most important facts about your university certificate:

You will receive 36 ECTS credits for the university certificate, which can be credited towards the B.A. in Business Administration at Allensbach University*.

  • Admission requirements: none
  • Duration of study: 8 months + 8 months free extension
  • Credit Points: 36 ECTS
  • Examination form: Submissions
  • Start of studies: at any time
  • Tuition fees: EUR 325 per month, EUR 2,600 in total

The university certificate is Online and without compulsory attendance completed.

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

* If you have a university entrance qualification.

What are the admission requirements?

There are no special admission requirements.

What credits are possible?

If you have already completed a continuing education course or have achieved comparable results at another university, it is possible to receive credit or recognition for the university certificate. We will be happy to check for you individually which credits or recognitions we can offer you. Talk to our student advisory service!

How is your course structured?

Your course comprises three modules, each of which concludes with an assignment:

Fundamentals of occupational health management (12 ECTS)

In the "Occupational Health Manager" certificate program, you will acquire advanced skills in the analysis, goal setting, planning, decision-making, implementation and monitoring of occupational health management (OHM). You will be able to perform specific tasks in the field of occupational health management, particularly in the areas of prevention and health promotion.

They can explain health policy contexts and derive the resulting economic and business consequences and requirements, describe the importance of psychosocial health for companies and employees and, in the context of OHM, establish the effects and connections between organization and management on the health of employees.

Management skills in the context of occupational health management (12 ECTS)

They can describe the importance of systemic management in the context of OHM, explain the factors influencing leadership and management on the health of employees, present change management and the resulting organizational and personnel development as a prerequisite for successful OHM, and analyze and use methods and instruments from innovation management, project management and marketing for OHM.

Standards, controlling and evaluation in occupational health management (12 ECTS)

They will be able to describe the functions and requirements of a OHM controlling system, understand the importance of key figures and differentiate between key figure systems according to their characteristics. They are proficient in the use of OHM-oriented analysis tools and methods for company health monitoring and are familiar with the overarching quality standards in OHM. They are also familiar with current data protection-relevant content for sustainable OHM.

The entire university certificate comprises 36 ECTS.

How long will your studies take?

The standard period of study is eight months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further eight months free of charge.


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Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
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