Financial and succession planning for SMEs

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 136608c
All information at a glance

Financial and succession planning for SMEs

You will learn about the contents of careful financial planning. Both the private and business spheres are analyzed against the background of an investor's goals and risk appetite. The focus is on the legal and tax structuring options for asset succession - during your lifetime, but also in the event of death. In addition to national issues, cross-border matters also play a role in the case of larger assets.

With regard to business assets, you will be introduced to classic structuring mistakes so that you can avoid pitfalls. One focus is the tax optimization of asset succession. You will learn about the mechanisms of inheritance tax valuation and tax relief. With this knowledge, you will be able to optimally plan the basic structures of tax succession - and thus preserve your business for future generations.

Who is the course suitable for?

You are the owner of an SME, want to hand over your business to the next generation and want to optimize this process. The certificate is also suitable for people who work in an advisory capacity in this area, e.g. in investment advice or asset management.

The most important facts about your university certificate:

You will receive 10 ECTS for the university certificate, which can be credited towards the Master's in Finance*.

  • Admission requirements: none
  • Duration of study: 6 months + 6 months free extension
  • Credit points: 10 ECTS
  • Exam form: Submission task
  • Start of studies: at any time
  • Costs: EUR 165 per month, EUR 990 in total

The university certificate is Online and without compulsory attendance completed.

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

You will find the registration form in the Online application.

* If you have a university entrance qualification.

What are the admission requirements?

There are no special admission requirements for this course. A submission task must be completed as an examination, which can be worked on at home.

How is your course structured?

  • Business models and value proposition
  • Actual recording of the balance sheet
  • Tax calculation (case study)
  • Target concept and determination of investment objectives
  • Capital and asset allocation (case study)
  • Action planning, investment analysis and cash flow management
  • Monitoring and performance analysis
  • Asset succession planning and structuring private asset succession
  • Management of foundations
  • Selected taxation elements in the context of financial planning
  • Current special cases in tax law for financial and succession planning (case study)

How long will your studies take?

The standard period of study is six months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further six months free of charge.


Educational counseling
Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
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