Monetary policy and international financial markets

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 136708c
All information at a glance

Monetary policy and international financial markets

The university certificate "Monetary policy and international financial markets" comprises an economics module from the Allensbach University Master's program. Among other things, you will learn to recognize the importance of the macroeconomic framework data of an economy for financial management, to interpret changes in the framework data correctly and to react appropriately to changes in the framework data within your area of responsibility. You will learn to forecast the effects of economic policy measures on interest rates, consumer demand and investment incentives in the best possible way, to calculate the fundamental values of bonds and shares under the expectations hypothesis and the efficient markets hypothesis and to assess the effects of expectations and economic policy on the financial markets.

Upon successful completion of the program, the university will award you the certificate "Monetary policy and international financial markets".

The most important things at a glance:

For the university certificate you will receive 10 ECTSwhich can also be credited to the Master in Business Education or the Master in Finance*.

  • Tuition fees: EUR 165 per month, EUR 990 in total
  • Duration of study: 6 months + 6 months free extension
  • Seminars: online, approx. 6 hours
  • Proof of performance: Submission work
  • Admission requirements: Knowledge of economics at bachelor's level
  • Compulsory attendance: none

The university certificate is online, without attendance and without compulsory attendance completed. The exam can be taken at home in the form of a submission.

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

*Provided you meet the admission requirements for the Master's program.

What are the admission requirements?

Admission requirements are knowledge of economics at Bachelor level.

How is your course structured?

The module comprises three subject-specific learning units, control and submission tasks for the exercise, tutorial support via the Online Campus and an online course. The learning units comprise three study letters.

Topics of the certificate:

Economic fluctuations and their significance for the financial markets

  • Theoretical foundations of economic fluctuations
  • The special significance of expectations and the economy for the financial markets
  • The influence of the economy and growth on consumption and investment
  • The influence of expectations on government economic activity and economic policy

Interest rates and their development: Theoretical background

  • Understanding interest rates and their development
  • The behavior of interest rates under different framework conditions
  • Understanding the relationship between risk and interest rate structure
  • Excursus: The stock market: rational expectations and the efficient market hypothesis

Exchange rate theory and monetary policy

  • The empirical findings: a historical overview of exchange rates and international transactions
  • Supply and demand on the foreign exchange market
  • Demand for debt assets
  • The foreign exchange market in equilibrium
  • Interest rates, expectations and equilibrium
  • Money supply and exchange rate in the short term
  • Money supply and exchange rate in the long term

Monetary policy in EMU: The importance of the ECB for the financial markets

  • Introductory remarks on the role of property in the creation of credit and money in two-tier mixed money systems
  • The prehistory of the European single currency
  • Theory of optimal currency areas and European monetary union
  • The Eurosystem as an institution
  • The euro and economic policy in the eurozone
  • Monetary policy strategies and the European Monetary Union


How long will your studies take?

The standard period of study is four months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further four months free of charge.

Educational counseling
Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
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