Human Resources Management

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 167616c
All information at a glance

Human Resources Management

In this certificate course, you will first deal with selected HR management processes and areas of responsibility, such as personnel planning, recruitment, selection and development through to dismissal. You will also develop an understanding of contemporary personnel management and current management issues, and you will be able to apply key management tools and methods of leadership development, including coaching and mentoring as methods of leadership development. You will learn about the special characteristics of millennials and Generation Z employees and the specific demands placed on managers.

Employee motivation is a crucial area of human resources management, especially in relation to employee management. You will become familiar with central motivation theories and their significance for HR work and be able to integrate them into your daily work. Current topics such as migration marketing, resilience, i.e. personnel management of employees in emotional crises, knowledge management and talent relationship management round off your studies.

Who is the course suitable for?

You work in HR management and have to face new challenges every day. You are confronted with the "war for talent" and want to deal professionally with new generations of employees.

The most important facts about your university certificate:

You will receive 6 ECTS for the university certificate, which can be credited towards the Bachelor of Business Administration and Management*.

  • Admission requirements: none
  • Duration of study: 4 months + 4 months free extension
  • Credit points: 6 ECTS
  • Exam form: Online exam
  • Start of studies: at any time
  • Costs: EUR 165 per month, EUR 660 in total

The university certificate is Online and without compulsory attendance completed.

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

You will find the registration form in the Online application.

* If you have a university entrance qualification.

What are the admission requirements?

There are no special admission requirements for this course. The examination is an online exam that can be completed from home.

How is your course structured?

  • Macro trends and human resources management
  • Human resources tasks
  • Recruitment strategies
  • Modern recruitment methods for external recruitment
  • Personnel selection, development and release
  • Onboarding new employees
  • Pathological aspects of personal leadership in organizations
  • Management styles and management tools
  • Coaching and mentoring: methods of leadership development
  • Motivation of employees
  • Migration marketing
  • Resilience: personnel management of employees in mental crises
  • Knowledge management
  • Talent Relationship Management


How long will your studies take?

The standard period of study is four months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further four months free of charge.


Educational counseling
Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
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