Propaedeutic course in business mathematics and statistics

University certificate in distance learning - ZFU no. 167616c
All information at a glance

Further training at university level

The "Business Mathematics and Statistics" preparatory course must be completed before starting the Master's degree program if you did not take these subjects in your first degree program. The preparatory course contains two modules, each with 6 ECTS, consisting of Business Mathematics and Statistics.

The most important things at a glance:

For the university certificate you will receive 12 ECTSwhich can be credited towards the Bachelor of Business Administration.

  • Standard period of study: 4 months + 4 months free extension
  • Seminar: online, approx. 6 hours
  • Proof of performance: 2 submission tasks
  • Tuition fees: 650 EUR in total.
  • Admission requirements: none
  • Compulsory attendance: none

This is an online course, i.e. all course materials will be sent to you by e-mail. online provided and you participate in Online lectures part. There are no attendance events or attendance obligations! The assignments can be completed at home. You can start at any time!

Are you interested? Then contact our student advisory service, we look forward to hearing from you!

What are the admission requirements?

There are no special admission requirements for the university certificate, but you should have knowledge of mathematics at 12th grade Gynmasium level.

How is your course structured?

Introduction to Business Mathematics (6 ECTS)
After successfully completing the module, you will be able to comprehend mathematical descriptions and solutions of economic problems and independently analyze and solve mathematical problems.

  • Real numbers
  • Functions
  • Interest calculation
  • Pension and amortization calculation
  • Derivative and differential
  • Differentiation rules
  • Economic application of differential calculus
  • Functions with several variables
  • Optimization under constraints
  • Linear algebra
  • Matrix calculation
  • Linear systems of equations
  • Simplex process

Statistics (6 ECTS)
They can classify statistical questions descriptively/inductively, handle data and interpretations correctly and sensitively, correctly assign statistical methods to different questions and apply statistical methods to different questions.

  • Basic concepts of statistics and data collection
  • One-dimensional frequency distributions
  • Position parameters
  • Scattering parameters
  • Concentration measures
  • Ratios and index figures
  • Two-dimensional frequency distributions and measures
  • Regression analysis
  • Time series analysis
  • Fundamentals of probability theory
  • Special distributions
  • Basics of inferential statistics

How long will your studies take and what degree will you receive?

The standard period of study is four months. You can extend the duration of your studies by a further four months free of charge.

Educational counseling
Eva-Maria Engesser
+49 (0)7533 919 23-87
Online application
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