Additional financial and risk management modules

Additional courses in finance and risk management

Would you like to gain further training in finance and risk management? Our additional modules offer you content at an academic level. The additional modules are taken from the Bachelor of Business Administration and Management (B.A.). Upon successful completion of the module examination, you will earn the specified ECTS credits, which you may be able to have recognized at another university. The host university will decide on recognition. Our degree program is designed to be flexible - i.e. you can start at any time and take an exam almost every month.

For further information on our additional modules and the registration form, please contact the Student Advisory Service at studium(at)
The additional modules are also intended in particular for students from other universities who need to collect ECTS in selected areas. It is possible to start at any time and examinations can be taken almost every month. It is therefore possible to complete the module at short notice.

Accounting I: Fundamentals of Bookkeeping (6 ECTS)

Upon completion of the additional module Accounting I: Fundamentals of bookkeeping you will be able to name the tasks and basic regulations of accounting, summarize the system of postings and the basic principles of preparing annual financial statements, post basic business transactions yourself and prepare annual financial statements from these business transactions. You will learn how to use the basic accounting vocabulary correctly and how to create and interpret accounting evaluations in your day-to-day work.

Contents of the additional module Accounting I: Accounting basics at a glance:

  • Accounting basics
  • Accounting and record-keeping obligations
  • Organization of accounting
  • From stocktaking to the balance sheet
  • Account management and posting records
  • Posting of individual business transactions
  • Postings to the annual financial statements
  • Exercise cases

For the additional module Basic Accounting and Annual Financial Statements you will receive 6 ECTS credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Accounting II: Accounting and annual financial statements (6 ECTS)

After completing the additional module Accounting II : Accounting and annual financial statements You will be able to explain the function of annual financial statements and classic accounting theories, apply the recognition and measurement rules under commercial law in a targeted manner and present and interpret differences between the commercial balance sheet and the tax balance sheet. You will be able to describe the main contents of IFRS and apply selected standards, describe the main steps of an analysis of annual financial statements and carry out an analysis yourself using real annual financial statements.

Contents of the additional module Accounting II: Overview of accounting and annual financial statements:

  • Fundamentals of accounting
  • Financial statements under commercial law
  • Tax balance sheet
  • Group accounting
  • Accounting in accordance with IFRS
  • Analysis of annual financial statements
  • Annual accounts policy

For the additional module refresher course on accounting and annual financial statements, you will receive 6 ECTS credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Important German tax types (6 ECTS)

With the additional module Important German tax types (tax theory) be able to explain the elementary basic concepts of taxation and use them in technical discussions, assign individual measures of the taxation procedure and decide which further procedural steps are to be initiated. With regard to income tax, you will be able to assess whether there is unlimited or limited tax liability and explain the different consequences as well as differentiate between types of income and assess facts with regard to the tax effect.

In the case of trade tax, you will be able to assess factual and personal tax liability and apply the different regulations on trade losses for co-entrepreneurships and corporations. You will also be able to assess personal tax liability for inheritance and gift tax and determine the amount of real estate, business assets and other assets. In the case of VAT, you will be able to allocate the taxable items, determine the locations of deliveries and other services and name the most important tax exemptions. You will therefore have a good overview of the most important types of German tax!

Contents of the additional module Important German tax types at a glance:

  • Fundamentals of tax law and tax theory
  • Taxation procedure
  • Income tax
  • Corporate income tax
  • Trade tax
  • Inheritance and gift tax
  • Value added tax

For the additional module Important German tax types you will receive 6 ECTS credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Cost Accounting and Controlling (10 ECTS)

After successful completion of the additional module Cost accounting and controlling You will be able to explain the tasks of cost and revenue accounting and their significance for companies, analyze and evaluate cost and revenue accounting systems in practice and develop proposals for their design as well as practically apply a broad selection of cost accounting methods in accordance with their limits and possibilities.

You will be able to classify and fundamentally explain the tasks of controlling in companies. You will learn to describe the effects of digitalization and the associated technological developments, explain selected technologies and evaluate possible applications in controlling.

Contents of the additional module Cost accounting and controlling at a glance:

Cost and revenue accounting

  • Basics of cost and revenue accounting
  • Cost element accounting
  • Cost center accounting
  • Cost unit accounting
  • Current income statement


  • Fundamentals of controlling
  • Instruments to support strategic corporate management
  • Instruments to support the operational management of the company
  • Reporting basics

Digitization and controlling

  • Artificial intelligence in controlling
  • Big data analytics and predictive planning
  • Blockchain technology and controlling

For the additional module Cost Accounting and Controlling you will receive 10 ECTS Credits.

Tuition fees: 650 EUR

Investment and financing (10 ECTS)

After successful completion of the additional module Investment and financing You will be able to explain the different issues of investment appraisal, classify, apply and evaluate techniques and methods of investment appraisal and independently select and apply relevant techniques in order to select the appropriate investment program from several worthwhile investment projects.

They learn to assess the scope of investment decisions in companies, to apply their finance knowledge and skills to company-specific issues and to develop and refine solutions and arguments in this specialist area.

They are also introduced to the methods of financial planning and analysis as well as the various instruments of debt, internal and equity financing.

Contents of the additional module Investment and Financing at a glance:


  • Fundamentals of investment accounting
  • Static investment calculation methods
  • Dynamic investment calculation methods
  • Long-term investment decisions
  • Investment decisions under uncertainty
  • Utility value analysis


  • Categorization of forms of financing
  • Deposit and equity financing
  • Debt financing
  • Special forms of external financing
  • Internal financing

Financial analysis

Financial planning

For the additional module Refresher Course Investment and Financing you will receive 10 ECTS credits.

Tuition fees: 650 EUR

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