Additional modules in mathematics, statistics and computer science

Additional courses in mathematics, statistics and computer science

Would you like to further your education in mathematics, statistics and computer science? Our additional modules come from our degree programs and offer you content at an academic level. Upon successful completion of the module examination, you will earn the specified ECTS credits, which you may be able to have recognized at another university. The host university will decide on recognition. Our course is designed to be flexible - i.e. you can start at any time and take an exam almost every month.

For further information on our additional modules and the registration form, please contact the Student Advisory Service at studium(at)
The additional modules are also intended in particular for students from other universities who need to collect ECTS in selected areas. It is possible to start at any time and examinations can be taken almost every month. It is therefore possible to complete the module at short notice.

Business Mathematics (6 ECTS)

After successful completion of the module Business mathematics you can understand mathematical descriptions and solutions of economic problems and independently analyze and solve mathematical problems.

Contents of the additional module Business Mathematics at a glance:

  • Real numbers
  • Functions
  • Interest calculation
  • Pension and amortization calculation
  • Derivative and differential
  • Differentiation rules
  • Economic application of differential calculus
  • Functions with several variables
  • Optimization under constraints
  • Linear algebra
  • Matrix calculation
  • Linear systems of equations
  • Simplex process

For the additional module Business Mathematics you will receive 6 ECTS Credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Descriptive and advanced statistics (6 ECTS)

With the additional module Descriptive and advanced statistics can classify statistical questions descriptively/inductively, handle data and interpretations correctly and sensitively, correctly assign statistical methods to different questions and apply statistical methods to different questions.

Contents of the additional module Descriptive and advanced statistics at a glance:

  • Basic concepts of statistics and data collection
  • One-dimensional frequency distributions
  • Position parameters
  • Scattering parameters
  • Concentration measures
  • Ratios and index figures
  • Two-dimensional frequency distributions and measures
  • Regression analysis
  • Time series analysis
  • Fundamentals of probability theory
  • Special distributions
  • Basics of inferential statistics

For the additional module Descriptive and Advanced Statistics you will receive 6 ECTS Credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Business Informatics (10 ECTS)

After successful completion of the additional module Business informatics be able to describe the functioning of information and communication technologies as well as data and process modeling, assess the effectiveness and possible applications of modern information technologies and take on the design, selection, introduction, maintenance and use of computer-aided operational application systems from a technical and methodological perspective.

You will learn how business application systems and standard software can be classified in the overall context of business informatics and how general characteristics of these systems can be described. You will be able to explain the different types of business application systems and the associated business background and describe the main system functionalities of the various application systems.

Contents of the additional module Business Informatics at a glance:

  • Basic concepts of information processing
  • The role of information technology on the way to the information society
  • Business process management
  • Modeling of operational information systems
  • Support of operational performance processes through ERP systems
  • External information systems and electronic commerce
  • Management support systems
  • Planning, development and operation of information systems
  • Information security and data protection
  • Data storage
  • Computer systems

For the additional module Business Informatics you will receive 10 ECTS credits.

Tuition fees: 650 EUR

BGB, contract and consumer law for business students (6 ECTS)

The additional module BGB, contract and consumer law for business students teaches the most important areas of business law for business economists. You will learn the basic principles of the law and techniques for applying the law. First of all, you will acquire knowledge of the general part of the German Civil Code, in which you will learn to distinguish and interpret contract types such as sales contracts, contracts for work and services, service contracts and loan agreements from the special law of obligations.

In the next part, you will gain an overview of industrial property law, copyright law, competition law and antitrust law and will be familiar with the objectives of the respective laws. After completing the university certificate, you will be able to analyze legal issues, identify legal problems and independently solve simple cases in professional practice.

The additional module BGB, Contract and Consumer Law for Business Administration students concludes with a submission task and is fully creditable for the Bachelor's degree program B.A. Business Administration.

For the additional module BGB, contract and consumer law for business students you will receive 6 ECTS Credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

Corporate, commercial and insolvency law for business students (6 ECTS)

The additional module Corporate, commercial and insolvency law for business students imparts relevant knowledge of commercial, company and insolvency law. This in-depth legal knowledge will enable you to assess the benefits and liability risks of certain legal forms and make an informed decision.

Accordingly, you will be able to assess the requirements for founding a company depending on its legal form and evaluate the tasks and responsibilities of the bodies of the respective company. You will also gain an overview of German insolvency law and learn about different types of insolvency proceedings, procedural principles and the parties involved. In commercial law, you will deal, for example, with the auxiliary persons of the merchant or commercial transactions such as "bona fide acquisition".

The additional module Corporate, Commercial and Insolvency Law for Business Administration students concludes with a submission assignment and is fully creditable for the Bachelor's degree program B.A. Business Administration.

For the additional module Corporate, Commercial and Insolvency Law for Business Administration students, you will receive 6 ECTS Credits.

Tuition fees: 375 EUR

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